My life is full of amazing women who I have met through networking. I was first introduced to Networking from a fellow tennis player/ sign writer / franchise business owner. He invited me to come along to a group that met regularly on Manly (NSW) pier. I joined him for breakfast and I will never forget the tips I received that day. We all stood up and started chanting. Now to a first timer, I honestly believed they were totally nuts... people were walking passed the windows of the restaurant glaring in to our bizarre behaviour... the chant went like this...
I'm alive, I'm well, and I feel GREAT
I'm alive, I'm well, and I feel GREAT
I'm alive, I'm well, and I feel GREAT
I'm alive, I'm well, and I feel GREAT !
You start of slowly and softly and you gradually get stronger and louder until it vibrates into your body and you stand by every word. I still use that chant today... my kids think I'm crazy, that is my awesome mothering and knowledge sharing privilege... GO ON, try it... stand up, chant away - write it on your mirror and do it until you feel it!
Ok so from my first experience, I then went on an adventure to find a networking group that felt right, that fit me and my world - my tribe!
It took a while, as I've learnt that one visit is not enough to make a fair judgement of a potential group. You really need three visits to really feel your fit. I found my fit with a women's only group on the Sydney's Northern Beaches (Inspiring Women) and when I moved from the big city to the country it didn't take long to start up a chapter in my country town.
I ran a chapter of Inspiring Women for five years, here in Kiama and our first event was for International Women's day back in 2012. We had inspiring guest speakers and inspiring members. It was a beautiful tribe.
I'd often take calls from women wanting to join the group to do business with our members. It just wasn't our style. I would encourage them to come along and enjoy an event with us, but asked they keep their business in their back pocket for the event.. Come along and get to know us first, then we'll do business together. Once that was the 'right' approach, women excelled in their networking achievements, whether for business or personal goals.
So my tip for you here is search out every possible group until you find your tribe and when feeling down, repeat after me, I'm alive! I'm Well! and I feel GREAT!
